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Why? Simply because you will be providing funds so we can focus more time on creating useful content for "The Prepared You" to help more people be prepared for all stages of life.

Thank you! John Davin
The Web Tools Guy
and "The Prepared You!"

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A note of thanks from John Davin

I initially learned about the stress and hurt of losing a loved one unexpectely, and the importance of being ready for losing a loved on unexpectedly when my wife Michelle passed away in 2008 from Cancer at 40 years of age, leaving me with an 8- year-old child to raise 240 miles from my family. That is why I created "The Prepared You" Document. I hope it helps you too!

John Davin, Author of this document

Wildwood, MO

Affiliate Disclaimer:

I am an affiliate for many of the programs I share. That means I earn a referral fee when you click on the links and make a purchase. I thank you for doing so as it allows me to spend more time creating these documents, giving webinars and in general helping people!

John Davin, Author of this document

Wildwood, MO






Testimonials Of Those Who Have Joined Us:

What a fantastic idea! I have already shared this with my parents (who are in their 90's) as a way of organizing their valuable assets and even more valuable ideas and preferences for their family. John, thanks for sharing your incredible ideas, and talents!

Dr. Greg Sanders

Retired Sociology Professor, Illinois

I initially learned about the stress and hurt of losing a loved one unexpectely, and the importance of being ready for losing a loved on unexpectedly when my wife Michelle passed away in 2008 from Cancer at 40 years of age, leaving me with an 8- year-old child to raise 240 miles from my family. This thePrepared You Document. I hope it helps you too!

John Davin, Author of this document

Wildwood, MO


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